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How to enable the fonts tab

In some cases the fonts tab will be disabled.
This may happen if none of the fields in the add-on you are using are configured to enable fonts. 

This can be changed by any user and it is a two step process. 

Step One

  1. Go to add-on library and double click on the add-on
  2. Click on the attributes tab
  3. Click on the attribute name
  4. In the pop up you will have a check box "allow font overrides". You need to check it.
  5. Close the window

Step Two

  1. Click on the HTML tab.
  2. find the attribute you want to change for example {{content}}
  3. add to the attribute the string "|raw" so in the end it should look like this: {{content|raw}}
  4. That's it you are done you can update and save.

If you have trouble achieving these change you can contact our support and name the add-ons you need help with and we will make the necessary changes for you.